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Tuesday 12 August 2014

RIP Robin Williams, Thank You

O' Captain, My Captain...

Today we have all heard the extremely sad news of the passing yesterday of genius comedian and actor Robin Williams.

Okay, I know this sounds kind of weird, it's kind of weird to be typing it... but Robin Williams, mainly making me laugh, has always sort of been there...

I grew up as a kid watching and adoring Mork and Mindy. Running around the playground pretending to be from Ork shouting "Nanu Nanu!" to dinner ladies, teachers and unsuspecting passers-by, whoever they might have been.

When I was first courting my eventual wife, we watched Good Morning Vietnam and Dead Poets Society at the movies as part of our dating, and as our kids grew up they watched time and time again the adventures of Aladdin, remained glued to Hook and constantly chuckled at Mrs. Doubtfire.

Fondly, with a loved one long since absent, I watched What Dreams May Come for the first time, with salt water streaming down my face. That still happens if I watch it now, as with Bicentennial Man.

So many films, so many fantastic memories... that this man, who I never knew, gave me.

Thank you sir.

Earlier today, and in true style, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences tweeted, in memory of him and one of his legendary roles...


RIP Robin Williams

"You're free now..."

RIP Robin Williams, Thank You
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Item Reviewed: RIP Robin Williams, Thank You Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Paul Whittaker